| CR-282 How to install the
CR-282 high stability crystal unit in the Icom IC-706MkIIG transceiver.
 | Filters How to install
optional IF Filters in the Icom IC-706MkIIG transceiver.
 | TS-430 Modifications for
the Kenwood TS-430 HF transceiver (1989 vintage).
 | Shortwave Hum How to
eliminate low frequency AC hum when listening to shortwave stations.
 | Better FM How to
identify and fix some problems with broadcast VHF-FM reception (May 2002)
 | Internet Linking How
Peekskill/Cortlandt Amateur Radio Association put its first Internet linked radio on the
 | Raspy TS-870 Diagnosing a
problem with distorted reception in Kenwood's TS-870 HF transceiver.
 | TS-870 Freq Adjusting
Kenwood's TS-870 transceiver exactly onto frequency when the SO-2 TCXO is installed.
Icom External
Keypad How to modify an MFJ-1251 microphone adapter for use as an
External Keypad with Icom HF transceivers that have a built-in memory keyer.