G3VNQ-NM9J SiteG3VNQ-NM9J Home Page


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Welcome to the G3VNQ-NM9J amateur radio site.

I'll be adding information on all sorts of topics that interest me, including amateur radio modifications, improving reception, mobile installation, amateur radio in the media etc. etc... (For the latest developments in all these topics, please see articles I've contributed to the PCARA Update on the Newsletters link.)

If you have any comments or additions, send an e-mail to removeNM9J at arrl.net. (Take out the remove, delete the spaces and substitute the 'at'!)

Note new URL, April 9, 2019: http://nm9j.com/pritch/index.html
(previous URL was : http://home.lanline.com/~pritch )



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G3VNQ-NM9J amateur radio site, 12-Sep-2019