Field Day 2004
PCARA Field Day 2004 took place on the weekend of June 26-27
at Bear Mountain State Park. After a damp start, the weather was good! |
Marylyn and Ray W2CH prepare the 6 m beam |
Erecting the tarp over the 20 m operating position. |
Setting up the 40 m tent. |
Karl N2KZ, Jim N2KLC and Adam KC2JNW prepare the VHF antennas. |
L to R: N2KZ, N2CBH, Marylyn, W2CH, WA2MCR, N2KLC raise the
VHF antennas. |
Karl N2KZ tests QRP transceiver. |
Ray W2CH and Marylyn operating the VHF station. |
Adam KC2JNW and Bob N2CBH operate 20 m. |
Karl N2KZ and Joe WA2MCR operate 40 m CW. |
Greg KB2CQE rotates the VHF antenna. |
Dusk descends on Bear Mountain, Saturday evening. |
Greg KB2CQE, Jim N2KLC and Bob N2CBH operating 20 m CW. |
Karl N2KZ operating in the 40 meter tent. |
Bob N2CBH takes forty winks. |